Consider joining the Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA). The membership is made up of both allied (restaurants, architects, airlines, financial services, insurance firms, dive operations, human resource specialists, magazines) and hotel members from across the islands.
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The Association works for its membership:
- representing the interests of its membership to Government;
- giving members information on regional and national marketing / awareness-building and product initiatives;
- collecting and sharing statistics;
- issuing information and attending trade and consumer shows with or on behalf of membership;
- coordinating cooperative advertising campaigns;
- responding to and initiating media campaigns for both the international and national media;
- providing free or heavily subsidized training courses / workshops and seminars on issues ranging from hurricane preparedness to customer care.
The Association is a member of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association and works in close partnership with the Tourism Board in particular.
If you have further questions email:
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